Saturday, August 31, 2019

History of Policing Essay

The function of policing has played a considerable role in American history. The policing occupation has worked toward protecting citizens’ rights and helping America to become the free nation it is today. The United States of America is built from the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights, from this document we gather the rules of policing and make sure that every Americans rights are met. The evolutions of policing practices that officers have learned have changed American history for the better. As new problems in society arise, police must change and adapt to protect and serve the public. Early American policing strategies were based off of a similar British model. Law enforcement was not well organized or structured until 1200 A.D., after that time offenders were being pursued by an organized posse. In those times offenders were caught be the organized posse and were usually tortured and faced public execution. Rarely were the criminals or the accused of this time given the right to fair trail, and were not considered innocent until proven guilty like the laws we have today state, it was the other way around, where citizens that were accused of crimes were guilty before any evidence or testimony were ever provided. One of the earliest forms of policing came about in English cities and towns and were called night watches.(Schmalleger, 2009). The primary purpose of a night watch was to watch out for fires and thievery. There was also a day watch which basically was the same job as night watch, but in the day. Eventually this form of policing led to a written law being proposed in 1285 called the Statute of Winchester. This law created a watch and ward system that gave early watches a systems and structure to form themselves around. This law gave early English towns the policing practices and guidelines needed to produce a stable society, free of criminal activities, allowing the towns the type of policing that they needed to thrive. The Statute of Winchester law consisted of four main points, things that were specific to the watch of that town, the mandating of age eligible men to serve, institutionalizing the use of the hue and cry, and for answering the call of duty. Prior structuring and laws such as the Statue of Winchester propelled law enforcement into its future when prime minister of England Sir Robert Peel formed the world’s first modern police force. Peel’s model of new police became the model for police all across the globe. He formed the police with more of a military outline; giving uniforms for better origination and structure. Early American leaders followed the day and night watch approach, later American leaders followed Sir Robert Peel method, which is what American policing still utilize today. New technological advances and social reform for policing were brought about in the twentieth century. The invention of automobiles, telephones, and radios were developments of the twentieth century, which have helped police officers with their communications, speed of investigations and coordination of efforts. Automobiles allowed police a quick responds and allowed them to serve greater areas. Radios and telephones allowed for the communication and coordination of efforts between police officers. Teddy Roosevelt contributed his part of advancement of the policing system by organizing the FBI and helping to promote the first call box system, which is closely associated with the 911 system used today. The political era (1840s-1930) was an era that policing organizations were more concerned with the interest of powerful politicians rather than the rights and laws of the people. The next eras of policing came from 1930s-1970s where police became increasingly concerned with solving of more traditional style of crimes. The time from the 1970s to the end of the twentieth century is considered to be the third period of policing and the most contemporary of policing practices, acting on policing of each community. Finally present day policing is or the modern era has given way to that of homeland security, which grew after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States. All levels of law enforcement agencies, local; state; and federal have devoted more time and effort toward the protection of our nation and homeland security, in an effort to thwart any future attacks. Local, state, and federal law enforcement are tasked with the enforcement of the laws. Federal law enforcement agencies are government agencies whose primary function is the protection and enforcement of federal laws. State law enforcement agencies were created for specified set of needs. State law enforcement was built from one of two models. The first model combines major criminal investigations with the patrolling of state highways. The second model is the culmination of two functions which consist of traffic enforcement and other laws that need upheld. Today’s duties of the modern state policing are to assist local law enforcement in criminal investigations, operate identification bureaus, maintain criminal records repository, patrol states highways, and provide training for municipals and county officers. Today they have also stepped up to a role of homeland security, for identifying precursors to acts of terrorism. The third level of law enforcement is that of the local policing authorities, i.e. county sheriffs or town marshals. City and county agencies are both part of the local level, mayors or city council appoint the officers to their offices and their jurisdictions are limited only to the boundary of their communities. Sheriffs are responsible for law enforcement in unincorporated areas and for the operation of the county jail. Local police play their role in the new era of homeland security as well by ascertaining the changes in the community that are out of place or unusual. Local police help do this task by interacting with the public, and constantly patrolling neighborhoods and other parts of their community. The increases of population, crime, and the advancement of technologies have challenged our policing forces but it has also allowed it to make necessary changes and advancements in law enforcement evolve with the times, with each generation of Americans we continue to increase our knowledge, experience and technological advances. The structure and technologies of the policing may change over a given time but the ideal of protecting and serving the community will not. With increasing threats on the rise, the police force must be capable and flexible. Making sure they have the most innovative technologies to oppose impending threats and overcome the future challenges that may lie ahead. Reference Schmalleger, F. (2009). Criminal Justice Today: an Introductory Text for the 21st Century (10th ed.). New York, NY: Prentice-Hall. 2007. â€Å"DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY: Progress Report on Implementation of Mission and Management Functions.† GAO Reports i. MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed June 12, 2011). Dodsworth, F. M. (2008). The Idea of Police in Eighteenth-Century England: Discipline, Reformation, Superintendence, c. 1780-1800. Journal of the History of Ideas, 69(4), 583-604. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Scott, J. E. (2010). Evolving Strategies: A Historical Examination of Changes in Principle, Authority and Function to Inform Policing in the Twenty-First Century. Police Journal, 83(2), 126-163. doi:10.1350/pojo.2010.83.2.490

Friday, August 30, 2019

American Revolution Short

During the American Revolution what caused the people to make radical changes The American Revolution was radical in the ideals established throughout the revolution. The American Revolution had significant effects on American society as a whole radically changing certain aspects including its social, political, economic, and religious contexts. Also, the status of women, slaves, and Loyalists were radically changed. A new democratized political system was formed through the constitution, which incorporated radical ideals such as the equality of all men, the separation of church and state, religious freedom/tolerance. The first successful English settlement on the American continent was established in 1607. And from then on, until 1732, thirteen English colonies settled on the continent. Great Britain was the first and the only country to send its people as colonists and to settle in that part of the continent. The Colonists had two reasons to leave England and it was to make money. But the major part of the colonists was running away from religious persecutions. However they managed to develop their colonies and to make money. But how did Great Britain regard this development? England, which was trying to enlarge its empire did not stay unemotional in front of this new development of prosperity, and in need of money, it reacted first, by imposing taxes to its colonies. But, the colonists were not still subjects of the crown and following different influences they began to want their own freedom. And by the way they reached an expected war with England.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Artificial System Of Sand Is Also Called The Mechanism Sand Essay Example for Free

Artificial System Of Sand Is Also Called The Mechanism Sand Essay The Anatolian Peninsula, Also Called Asia Minor, Is Bounded By The Black Sea To The North, The Mediterranean Sea†¦ Anatolian peninsula, also called Asia Minor, is bounded by the Black Sea to the north, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, the Aegean Sea to the west, and the Sea of†¦ Premium Literature Of Region 7 Buyser-Aquino -Our Pride translated by Juliet B. Samonte -Letter to Pedro, U.S. Citezen, Also Called Pete by Rene Estella Amper -The Clay Pipe by Marcel M†¦ Premium Genres Of Literature or something and is not about that particular person or thing. * Letter to Pedro, US Citizen, Also Called Pete by Rene Amper viii. Narrative†¦ Premium An Analysis Of Letter Of Credit Operation In Nepal is an import LC while for the advising bank it is an export LC payment by means of letter of credit involves action between two banks, one in the importer’s country†¦ Premium Debate Argumentation and Debate Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making TWELFTH EDITION AUSTIN J. FREELEY Late, John Carroll University DAVID L†¦ Premium It ( International Technology) to monitor all your monthly financial statements, and call the appropriate company or bank immediately to report issues. Also, review your credit report each year†¦ Premium Wwasfasf Business Driven Information Systems Paige Baltzan Daniels College of Business, University of Denver Amy Phillips Daniels College of Business, University of†¦ Premium Codendma Countries of the world Population gures are based on 2002 estimates. Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia†¦ Premium English Novelists rich and famous. Pamela is written in a form of letters (epistolary novel) and it is also called Virtue Rewarded.Clarissa Harlow†¦ Premium Faizi invested, lent, or borrowed. 8the excess of a companys assets over its liabilities. 3 a capital letter. 2adj. 1 (of an offence or charge) liable to the death penalty†¦ Premium Environmental Converrastion summary particularly if you are sending your CV to recruitment agencies where a letter may become detached. You can also call this a career aim, profile or personal†¦ Premium Ptlls Assignments generation of: batch mailings using a form letter template and an address database (also called mail merging); indices of keywords and their page†¦ Premium The Concept Of Law recognition is more like a social practice than it is like a black letter rule of any sort. He also calls this fundamental rule. To follow and engage in the social†¦ Premium Random Spreadsheet Software data is organized in rows and columns, which collectively are called a worksheet. Database Software allows you to create and manage a database†¦ Artificial System Of Sand Is Also Called The Mechanism Sand. (2016, Apr 08). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Why are you interested in the degree programmes (graduate Essay

Why are you interested in the degree programmes (graduate programme-mechanical engineering) at Nanyang technological university - Essay Example Mentorship from my uncle is another reason for my course selection. He has great passion for his profession and tells me that the scope of aeronautical engineering is interesting and therefore motivational. This means that aeronautical engineers are able to derive utility from their job and this reduces chances of career mobility at later stages of life that can have its disadvantages such as difficulties in self-establishment and development in the new career. My subjects selection at the CBSE level of study and the level of competence that I have developed in mathematics and physics are other reasons for my choice of mechanical engineering because I am confident of the potential to succeed in the course that require physics and mathematics knowledge as a prerequisite. In addition, I have developed personal interest in aeronautical engineering and I do enjoy flights and spending time at airports, watching aeronautical engineers in the hanger. I also prefer Nanyang Technical Universi ty because it is an established institution with reputable facilities and academic staff. Interaction with my uncle, an aeronautical engineer, long-term passion in the scope of mechanical engineering, proper subject selection at the CBSE syllabus, and passion for aeronautical engineering are my motivation into the cause. I am confident that they will motivate my success in the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Materials science Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Materials science - Assignment Example The development of bullet proof glass remains considered as an achievement of material science in the hope of offering a solution to the concern of safety in its usage. Achieving a product that would allow the transparent qualities of glass and still offer protection from lethal products such as bullets was a milestone achievement. Such is observed as an infusion of the bullet being a technology perceived under the same field of material science (Hsieh & U.S. Army Research Laboratory, 2004). Ballistic glass involves the infusion of two sets of materials that do not include the renown Kevlar used in the generation of bullet proof vest. The technology combines thermoplastics with the soft glass to allow a thick layer of ballistic panels. The aforementioned incorporation of different approaches ensures that the glass panes are ballistic and durable. The ballistic glass has found critical applications in banking and transit sectors. The glass is used in developing the teller stations in banking halls. It is, also used in developing armored vehicles, which aim to protect the users while driving in volatile locations. Additionally, the glass is used for protection of the VIP dais during the engagement of public events (Johnson, 2006). Hsieh, A. J., & U.S. Army Research Laboratory. (2004). The effects of PMMA on ballistic impact performance of hybrid hard/ductile all-plastic- and glass-plastic-based composites. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: Army Research Laboratory. Johnson, G. R., Hertel, E. S. J., Grady, D. E., Holmquist, T. J., Lopatin, C. M. Sandia National Laboratories., United States. (2006). High strain rate properties and constitutive modeling of glass. Washington, D.C: United States. Dept. of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Double standard for sexual relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Double standard for sexual relations - Essay Example A girl with the same sexual experience will surely become subject to ridicule and disrespect. Guys will take advantage of her, use her, and try to get her to bed. She will have a hard time having girlfriends as she will surely be avoided and despised out of disgust. She will surely become the talk of the school and will be labeled as a "slut." The stud-slut system is but one of the various manifestations of sexual double standard in the society where we live. Men are not exempt from the injustice of double standards. Having friends from the opposite sex during a relationship is also subject to the sexuality of who's making friends with whom. Girls will always tend to justify their relationships with other guys since they are known to be "always in control of their emotions" and are "able to separate boyfriends from boy friends." The situation is a lot more different when guys are concerned. A man who has a close friend while in a relationship is always confronted and accused of dishonorable things especially unfaithfulness. He may even be charged for keeping that special friend in times of "loneliness." With these experiences, it is apparent that double standard has become a bitter fact of life. It is one of the things which I need to live with. However, I am totally against sexual double standards. ... Double standard greatly violates one tenet of justice known as impartiality-the principle that "same standards be applied to all people, without regard to subjective bias or favoritism." I believe that the existence of double standard clearly implies the toleration of discrimination, unfairness, inequality, and prejudice. Thus, in order to promote justice in the society, double standard should be eliminated. I strongly support that men and women should have a fair playing field where each one receives equal reaction and recognition of what they "do" and not of what they "are." The widespread double standard in our society is warranted by various justifications. Most individuals have already taken the existence of double standard for granted arguing that sexual double standard is natural and that's the way things should be. Society has readily accepted that some things are naturally "men's" things while some are "women's." A good example of this is the widespread perception that men are polygamous, allowing them to sleep around even if they are in a relationship while women are expected to be faithful to their respective husbands. However, viewing that the existence of double standard as natural is also another way of accepting that prejudice and injustice are natural phenomena. The above illustrations of double standard emphasizes the fact that double standard tolerates misbehavior of one gender using "human nature" as a cover up. In our society, infidelity is perceived to be acceptable only when committed by the male population. The argument here is that, misbehavior should be totally reprimanded and eradicated as it destructs and endangers the morality of the whole community. I am filled with disgust just thinking about the number of families being shattered by

How Can Chipotle enter Chinese Market Assignment

How Can Chipotle enter Chinese Market - Assignment Example The researcher states that Chipotle should embrace the joint venture strategy to access the Chinese market since it allows more time for the establishment and launch of products. It involves identifying an established firm in China and increasing investment through the sharing of resources. The joint venture strategy is appropriate since it will enable Chipotle to gain knowledge of the local market. This takes place through the host firm’s ability to analyze competitive conditions, culture, language and political systems. Considering these aspects, it becomes easy to understand the preferences of the host clients and the competitive trends in the country. Another advantage of Chipotle using the joint venture entry strategy is that the costs and risks experienced in starting up a foreign market are shared between the partners. This is viable, especially if the host nation charges high duties on foreign firms or if the business will take longer to adapt to the new situations. Si milarly, through joint venture strategy, Chipotle can avoid the threats of nationalization or other unfavorable government hindrance that may arise. This implies that a government policy that may affect the entry of foreign firms is avoided through the collaboration with the local firms. However, this entry strategy may also attract challenges to Chipotle if appropriate measures are not put in place. For instance, the use of the joint venture may enable the host firm to control the production technology. It is also apparent that a firm may lose the tight control over subsidiaries, which it might require to actualize the location economies. This reduces the potential for the firm to expand to other markets across the host nation. There are also instances where joint ventures might lead to conflicts due to losses or control of resources.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The importance of innovation along with evaluating the same in the Essay

The importance of innovation along with evaluating the same in the growth and development of Fairfax Media Limited - Essay Example The paper tells that innovation is often considered as the way towards the success. However, it is important to identify the impact and influence of innovation in every sense. Innovation can be used in the operational framework by adding technological values and at the same time can be used in business processes and stakeholder management to take it to the next level in the competitive business environment. However, it becomes important to identify the need and importance of innovation that will be followed by great number of changes within and outside the organisation. Change is inevitable and cannot be controlled and sustained for a long period of time. At the same time, changes should be implemented and defined in a clear and systematic manner to avoid resistance and complications. It becomes important to understand and analyse the impact and influence of internal and external factors that play an important role in change management process in the short as well as in the long run. The media industry has been changing at a rapid pace with the rise of technology changing the dynamics of the industry. Fairfax Media Limited has been operating in the media industry for more than 150 years. It operates in publishing news, information and entertainment. It’s Australian and New Zealand newspapers include; The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Australian Financial Review, The Dominion Post and The Press. It also published regional and community newspapers along with few magazines. The company is also engaged in online business where readers can read newspapers. Overall, it can be said that the organsiation has a diversified portfolio with a balanced mixture of traditional and innovative business strategies helping it to make a mark in the competitive business environment. 1.1: General Imperatives in the Industry Sector As per the research conducted by the Sydney Investment Group (2011), there are strong signs that print media is dying with the rise and accep tance of technology and online platforms cannibalizing revenues. Australian newspaper circulation has declined rapidly in last few quarters. This trend is more visible in foreign

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Psychological impacts of stalking on the victim and their families Dissertation

The Psychological impacts of stalking on the victim and their families - Dissertation Example It includes behaviour like following the person, waiting and watching the person’s home, workplace or other places, unwanted direct or indirect communication with the person. Other than this, being stared by another person or messages left on social networking sites can also build the feeling of being stalked (NSW Police Force, 2008). Stalking causes the victims to fear their own safety or the safety of those people who are close to them. Stalking can be targeted towards a single person, their friends, family or even their co-workers as well. Some of the stalking crimes include other crimes such as assault, criminal damage, criminal trespass, attempt to murder etc. In this paper, the statistics and the psychological impact of the stalking is discussed on the victims and their families. Statistics It is found that in Germany that almost 12% of the respondents have been stalked. This rate has shown a significant rise amongst women (17 %), than men (4 %). If we see the ratio of v ictims, 87% of the stalking victims were women while 86 % of the men were stalkers (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2010). The general trend of the study shows that all the female victims, 91%, were stalked by a man. However, in case of the male victims, the proportion of male and female stalkers was equal (44 %). These results indicate that in male, same–gender stalking is a significant problem. In women only 14 % of such cases have come to notice (Pathe & Mullen, 1997) As a psychological impact, the victims also experience changes in lifestyle. As a psychological symptom, 56 % of the victims have reported agitation. The percentage of experiencing anxiety is 44%; while around 41% of the victims experience sleep disturbance. Whereas 35% feels nausea and 28% encounter depression (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2010). Another study conducted in Australia shows that stalking shows adverse effect on the victim. 83 % of the victim suffered from anxiety, 74 % has experienced sleep ing disorder and the percentage of fatigue is 53 %. The people who have suffered from appetite disturbance and suicidal thoughts were 45 % and 24 % respectively. Moreover, 40 % people have also suffered post-traumatic stress disorder and 18 % experience actual or threatened physical harm. Other than this, many of the victim has complained about the headaches, indigestion, and nausea however the percentage is not significant (Pathe, 1997). Psychological impact Among the known way of intimidation, the most common method is loitering nearby and unwanted telephone calls. It is also noted that the victims also ran a risk of being physically injured. Few of the cases experience assaults involving physical restraint, or hitting or beating with objects. Other than this, the victims of stalkers experience sexual assaults as well (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2010). Living with stalking can be extremely frightening and can have a profound impact on the lives of the family. In case, the mal e member of the family is stalked, the effects on women’s life get adverse. For men, the reason behind stalking women is to have or maintain control and power over the women, or maybe her friends, family or children (End Stalking in America, 2011). The wife of the stalker may feel isolated or alone. In case the stalker is

Friday, August 23, 2019

Gym usage in afro Caribbean men and its influence on acquiring the Essay

Gym usage in afro Caribbean men and its influence on acquiring the perfect body - Essay Example The thesis aims to identify some of the main aspects of gym use among Afro Caribbean men. The quest for beauty is not limited to women only. Men and women both have from time immemorial strived for better looking features and physique. While the standards of beauty have continued to evolve, the quest remains the same. The growth of the fashion, beauty and health care industry has been significant in increasing awareness about the physical aspects of the body to a new level that was never before. Previously, only women seemed to be affected by the societal and media demands of having the perfect physique and facial features. Now, even men are not spared with the new wave of fashion industry putting men under as tight scrutiny as women. Therefore, the new beauty trend is not only woman, but also man (Hatoum et al, 2004). This is however, only one aspect of the growing awareness about the physical features and their aesthetic requirements. The effect of these projections on the media and the social adverse reactions to other forms of physique have created effect on almost all, and therefore, the newer generations are becoming increasingly brand and beauty conscious. There is no family and parents spared now, who do not complain about the vanity that has entered their children’s mind, instead of the good moral and personal qualities. The introduction of the thousands of brands for skin, hair, nails, and makeup and others has increased this madcap rush towards beautification. This along with the increase in the number gyms, health spas, beauty salons and various beauty service providers with uncounted names continue to increase this desire for more beautiful bodies. Part of this need for beauty is not entirely false. The social prerequisites became more physical and material with the advent of the industrial age. There is now a certain image and look to be

Thursday, August 22, 2019

I Love School Essay Example for Free

I Love School Essay Sixteen years after a sixteen-year-old wrote this book, Francis Ford Coppola turned this novel into a movie. The book is a coming-of-age novel, but the movie focuses on the characters loss of innocence. The movie follows the story line very closely. The reader is only told that this story takes place in the southwest, but the movie places it in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the year 1966. It also changes the conflict from the East Side versus the West side to the northside versus the southside. This minor directional change was probably made due to the relative time proximity to the musical West Side Story, which won the best picture Academy Award in l961. However, as with all movies, character insight that is critical to understanding the story is lost when the format goes from the written word to the screen. Ponyboy is telling us the story, the same as in the book, but the 91-minute film only glosses over many character relationships. With the exception of Ponyboy, the viewer misses out on knowing most of the novels characters. Darry and Soda are relatively minor characters in the movie, and the viewer is given little insight into their lives. The same is true for the rest of the gang, even Dally. Dallys death loses much of its impact because viewers arent able to get to know him. Only the reader is aware of the fact that Dallys gun is unloaded, and the symbolic death of Dally in the spotlight is gone. Johnnys character is also weaker in the movie than the book. Viewers dont see the growth in his character, because they dont know Johnny. Johnnys appreciation for life at the end of his own is barely noted, but it has great impact on Pony in the novel. The whole point of the telling of Ponyboys story is to give meaning to Johnnys death. Johnny had wanted Ponyboy to tell Dally certain truths, and given that Dally is dead, Pony writes this story down for all of the Dallys in the world: Someone should tell their side of the story, and maybe people would understand then and wouldnt be so quick to judge a boy by the amount of hair oil he wore. The movie and book do begin and end with the same lines, the difference being, only readers understand the meaning behind them.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Friends and the play of Nevilles Island Essay Example for Free

Friends and the play of Nevilles Island Essay The hit sitcom Friends started ten years ago when we were first introduced to Monica, Rachael, Phoebe, Chandler, Ross and Joey and today I am going to compare the sitcom of Friends with the play of Nevilles Island which was written by Tim Firth. Nevilles Island is not only a play. It has also been recently made into a film starring Timothy Spall, Martin Clunes, Jeff Rawle and David Bamber. Friends on the other hand was written and still remains for television and for the past ten years it has been broadcast over the Atlantic to millions of eager viewers both in America and the U. K. In America Friends is broadcast over the television network of NBC compared to the U.K where it is received through Channel 4. When we first observe the film of Nevilles Island we are introduced to four businessmen, who, when their boat sinks, find themselves stranded on a small island, called Rampsholme in the middle of the Lake Districts Derwent Water. The Four Characters in Nevilles Island are on a team-building weekend, they are Neville, (Jeff Rawle), has become the elected Captain of the group, who then proves he is unfit for his position when he leads the team in the wrong direction. He does his best to maintain order in the groups arguments, and works well as a go-between as he proves to be very reasonable with his fellow peers, and he seems to be the most adjusted member of the group to island life, He is dressed in an Anorak and wears glasses. He tries his hardest to keep the peace between Angus and Gordon, (Timothy Spall) who is extremely sarcastic towards his fellow peers and seems to pick up on every little flaw in their character, which later show him to be a bully, his cruel sarcasm gives us ma ny funny moments throughout the play of Nevilles island, such as all Christians are like Radio hams. Gordon seems to have many rants at his fellow colleagues most of which result in handbags at dawn style tension between him and Angus, (David Bamber) whom at the start of the play; he comes across as a good-natured person who is full of optimism. Angus seems to have dressed out of the camp shop side of his wardrobe so to speak as he is dressed constantly in cagoules, anoraks and knitted hats. Angus turns out to be a bit sad as he seems to bore everyone stiff, with his numerous attempts at cracking jokes. Also, later in the play where all hope seems to have to been lost he suddenly reveals a hidden sausage, which in the heating of proves to be very funny. He may also later have hindered the groups rescue as he seems to have bought the entire stock of a camping shop and told nobody about it, his shopping list includes a 18-inch knife, climbing ropeand for some reason unbeknown to his fellow standees..a dinner suit! Roy, (Martin Clunes), is a born-again Christian who has an un-kempt appearance. Roy has recently returned to work following a prolonged breakdown, after the death of his mother, Lucy, he literally hangs onto his sanity and Gordons rant about how old people only become religious because they are scared stiff, and there just grabbing, grabbing, grabbing at the rope, and no-ones holding the other end doesnt help either as this near-enough sends Roy into a relapse, and he disappears into the undergrowth with an 18-inch knife, so the group fear he may do something to harm himself, but later he is found, sat up a tree wearing only his underwear, but after he returns the knife to Neville, they fear he may take his own life again as Angus almost mile long piece of rope has gone missing, and they think he may hang himself he also reveals to Neville that he helped his mother to end her own lifeRoy is also a keen birdwatcher, and he takes his time on the island to observe a rare falcon, and is called amongst many other things by GordonDoo-lally Friends is all about 6 friends who all live in the same block of apartments in New York, the show takes us through their individual strengths, weaknesses, problems and goalsmost of all their intertwining relationships with each other. The characters in friends are Joey Tribbiani (Matt Leblanc.) Joey is broad-shouldered, wide-eyed and thick-headed. Joey comes from New York and is a lover who has had many partners. Joey is a not-so-good actor who never has to play-act being a good guy or a better friend, but he wants to hit the big-time as an actor. He is cheeky, and most of his jokes are sexually orientated, followed by hand gestures. Joey is sarcastic. Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry) Wise-cracks, and sets off development in characters storyline. Chandler appears to be over-qualified at work and he seems to be afraid of wife Monica. Chandler gives really bad advice. Ross Geller (David Schwimmer) Ross is the personification of an intellectual geek as he is an expert in Palaeontology. Ross is still looking for love after 3 divorces. He has always loved Rachael. Ross is quite nerdy, and (most of the time) sticks to the rule book. Rachael Green (Jennifer Aniston), Rachael comes across as an IT/ Daddys girl. She dithers a lot, and is meant to be with Ross, even though they have drifted apart many times. Monica Geller Bing (Courtney Cox Arquette) used to be a high-school fatty, but now has slimmed down to obsessive and cleaning mad Monica. She is a good sister to Ross and a friend to everyone. After marrying Chandler, Monica seems to have made him find his maturity. Phoebe Buffay Hannigan (Lisa Kudrow) a hippie chick who has led a traumatic life, her mother killed herself, her stepfather went to prison, and she lived on the streets for some of her life. She drives people mad with her out-of-key folk songs that she writes with her guitar. Phoebe can be quite dippy, but she is kind-hearted, a good spirit, and seems to take everyday as it comes. She near enough floats around and I think would have fit in perfectly in the 60s. Very off-the-wall. The sitcom of friends is set in New York and it appears to be aimed at the younger generations of the 90s and 00s, this is mainly caused by its humour and that the characters themselves are very young. In comparison to this the play of Nevilles Island is set in a remote island in the middle of a lake in the Lake District and its characters are all middle-aged around 40 years old and Nevilles Island, I think can appeal to all ages as the comedy and mishaps that occur between the four characters of Angus, Roy, Gordon and Neville could almost happen to anybody of any age. The four men in Nevilles Island are all executives of a water company and they have been sent on this team-building exercise. The friendships in either drama are very different, as the 6 friends in Friends are all immensely close and after being so for ten years they appear to have a love for each other which comes with a bond that makes their friendships so special to them, even though the group is half men, half women apart from sexual tension between Monica and Chandler, Ross and Rachael this appears to not affect their friendships whatsoever. These bonds of friendship could not be more different than in the play of Nevilles Island by Tim Firth as the four colleagues seem to have been forced to be together and this creates lots of tension between them particularly with Roy and Gordon with his rants about all Christians are like radio-hams. The four colleagues seem to be each putting up with each other constantly and we get a sense that if they had not worked in the same workplace, these four individuals would never had considered becoming friends with each other. The Two dramas of Friends and Nevilles Island have been written in the same decade and they include many moral issues and information about current affairs for example the mood of Friends was slightly changed for a while during the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World trade centres. The home life/lifestyle has affected the personalities of all the characters in either drama such as Phoebe is slightly mad and sometimes eccentric. This may have been caused by her circumstances as a child as her mother killed herself, her stepfather went to prison, and she lived on the streets for some of her life. In Nevilles Island we see Gordon who appears to bully most people he sees by picking up on every flaw in their character and using it as ammunition against them, Gordon appears to be in denial as in fact he is very lonely but refuses to admit this. There are many themes/issues that arise from the two dramas of Nevilles Island and Friends such as Status; in Friends the 6 characters stand almost as individuals and they respect each other because of it and apart from minute outbursts from such characters as Monica giving rants about Crummies, but this is simply a part of Monicas character and does not distinguish her as having more power over fellow friends. In contrast to this there is use of Status/Power in Nevilles Island, and this comes mainly from the character Gordon bullying people and bossing them about. Gordon is not however the chosen leader of the group, who is Neville but Gordon, underestimates his given authority on the island and simply does what he wants and says what he wants regardless of their feelings. Gordon always makes sarcastic and negative comments about his fellow colleagues; this makes him feel superior and powerful to the rest of the group. Friendship is a key theme in both pieces of drama as in Friends, the entire purpose of the sitcom is to display the friendship between the 6 characters however Nevilles Island meddles with the idea of leaving work-place politics behind in order the group of them to survive, whilst on the island though we realise that this group of colleagues dont actually like each other and seem to have been forced into this team-building weekend. There are many relationships in both pieces of drama, some sexual but some arise form tension and the clash of personalities like that in Nevilles Island between Roy and Gordon. Gordon is convinced that Roy is faking his religion for attention/acceptance and goes on many rants about this for example when he tells Roy that all Christians are like radio-hams. Gordon continues to cause tension between the group when there is a clash of personalities between Angus and himself as Angus is constantly trying to tell jokes, but none of them are funny as Angus often gets the joke mixed-up, this irritates Gordon even further, and he reached the height of his irritation when he discovers that Angus seems to have an entire camping shop worth of supplies in his backpack, along with climbing rope, an 18-inch macheteand even a 3-piece dinner suit! Gordon continues to irritate Angus by simply picking on him, but this ends when Gordon accuses Angus wife of being adulterous and that right now she is screaming in ecstasy on the bread shelf in Sainsburys. Relationships in Friends that are of a sexual sense come from Ross and Rachael as since the beginning of the series they have been attracted to each other and after 3 divorces Ross seems to have found his perfect match, this applies to Rachael; and in the final episode Ross and Rachael finally get together. Another relationship in the sitcom Friends comes from Monica and Chandler, they get married and later find out that they cannot have children so in the final series they have a surrogate mother and she agrees to give them her baby, but when the baby is being born in the final episode they find out that instead of one baby, they are having twins. The two remaining friends who do not get it together are Joey and Phoebe, there has never been an attraction between them and Phoebe marries a man called Mike and becomes Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan. Co-operation plays a big part in the play of Nevilles Island by Tim Firth, the entire purpose of the team-building is to bring the four characters together as a team, so that they can co-operate together in this or any environment, but this proves difficult as the four colleagues are completely incompatible and in the end simply get on each others nerves. The characters in Friends co-operate completely with each other, they help each other out in any circumstances and they work together perfectly. The social context of the sitcom Friends by David Crane takes us through an entire decade of events through the years of 1994 -2004. Friends is set in the city of New York and focuses on city life and the glamorous lifestyles of 6 friends in coffee culture which is centred around their meeting place a coffee house by the name of Central Perk. The social context of Friends takes us before, during and through the aftermath of the 11th September attacks on the World Trade Centre, which all Americans including the characters in friends come out of this very patriotic. The Sitcom of Friends focuses more on the social lives of the friends rather than their work places, this is mainly shown through Chandler as we get a sense that he is successful in his job, but this is shrouded in mystery as we never find out what he does or indeed what his workplace looks like. A convention of an American sitcom is that it shows Americans in an ideal lifestyle and there is no hint of poverty or depravation and they appear to be at the higher middle-class and American viewers hope to aspire to this. These conventions are used in the sitcom Friends. Friends is filmed in a studio and no-matter-what shot is used, we never get to see that elusive other wall in contrast to this in the play Nevilles Island the weather appears to mirror the emotions of the characters, this is pathetic fallacy, and instead of being filmed in a studio, Nevilles Island is filmed in a natural environment on location. Nevilles Island is set in the 1990s and in a rural setting as the entire play occurs outdoors. Nevilles Island is set in the time where John Major from the conservative party was Prime Minister, and the negative attitudes towards the situations used through Gordon mirror that of the time as John Major was trying to shake off and fight Margaret Thatchers Everyone for themselves view. Nevilles Island is a black comedy as it uses the juxtaposition of morbid and farcical elements to give a certain effect. The humour within Nevilles Island is created because of the contrasting characters and the way that they interact with each other. Each character has their own individual sense of humour; Gordon possesses a sarcastic, negative and almost child-like sense of humour. Angus jokes are more centred on farcical subjects that when told arent very funny at all, but they appear to have been funny in Angus head as he laughs at his own jokes a lot. Roy doesnt really have a sense of humour as he appears to be too wrapped up in his religion, but sometimes he can appear to be quite argumentative and almost psychotic. The sitcom Friends is also centred on comedy and the humour is directed at and centred on the characters. The characters all respond differently to different situations but comedy is usually created by the use of facial expressions, accents, off-the-wall comments and the immense use of timing and pauses. From both plays there are many ideas that I would like to experiment with and include in my improvisation unit of Stranded, such as * Being stranded * Comedy/Sarcasm * Characters, with similarities to that of Nevilles Island and friends * One of the characters has a secret. * Tension * The types of characters that have been created for example Joeys use of timing and comments, Monicas obsessiveness, Phoebes eccentrics, Roys almost psychotic state of mind and his belief in religion or Gordons sarcasm and use of negative comments. The themes used within these two dramas, for example I have decided to base my Stranded improvisation work to create a piece that is focused on a shipwreck, like that of Nevilles Island. The different social settings have interested me and I understand how they affect the piece, we have decided to set our drama on a ship that is in the middle of the Irish Sea and it is full of escaped convicts/murderers that steal the boat and hold its occupier hostage, who for coincidence the criminals know, They are all Irish.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Performance Management at Steel Co

Performance Management at Steel Co Contents Structuring individual performance to maximize firm’s performance Expectancy theory has three underlying concepts: Performance management system used to improve employee development and communication Effectiveness of linking performance to financial reward Bibliography Structuring individual performance to maximize firm’s performance Individual performance is determined by the following factors: Motivation, the desire to do the job Ability, capability, know how to do the job (cognitive ability, reasoning ability, physical ability) Work environment, tool materials and information to do the job The energy to perform in an organization is directly influenced by the level of motivation and the expectancy. As long as the desire to do something is present, the mount of performance output is directly proportional with the level of energy exercised. Motivation is a function of expectancy, instrumentality and valance and expectancy, is used as a tool to explain the determinants of workplace attitudes and behavior. In other words try to perform and you will succeed. Expectancy theory has three underlying concepts: 1. The Concept of valence refers to anticipated satisfaction. While value represents the actual satisfaction that a person experience from an attained outcome. Potentially a discrepancy can occur between the anticipated satisfaction from an outcome (valence) and the actual satisfaction that it provides (its value). When such disparity occurs, the reward system implemented will lead to loss of the motivational value. 2. Instrumentality represents a person’s belief about the relationship between performing an action and experiencing an outcome. The high performance is most likely to occur when both the valence and instrumentality are perceived high. It is important to understand individual’s motivational behavior by not only identifying his/hers satisfaction expected as a result of attained particular outcome, but also what actually the person thinks that he /she needs to do or not, to achieve the outcome. 3. Expectancies, representing a link between making an effort an actual performing well. It is more like motivation based on desire and effort. Expectancy should be accompanied by specific goals setting and type of performance desired in quantitative terms. Goals should be difficult enough, to where the individual motivation will be driven by the values received from a job well done. The concept of self-efficacy is based on the individual ability to complete the task if he/she tried. Self -efficacy can increase by: emphasis on past accomplishments, observation of others, verbal persuasion (appealing to individual self image) Performance management system used to improve employee development and communication (McCaffery (2004) explains that a key competent of learning and development support in managing performance is guidance given by line managers to develop the knowledge or skill of their subordinates. (McCaffery,p139 (2004) believes that ‘performance management is a cyclical process centred on learning and development-not a fixed one-off event†¦performance management does not just happen, as is often(wrongly) assumed, at an annual event set up for the purpose. Formal appraisal is but a single process. The core foundation of performance management is learning and development. (Armstrong, p246 (2009) believes that performance management has a vital role in an organisation, by ‘specifically helping people to appreciate the need for developing their performance and where and how it should take place,’ and ensuring that people can learn from their experience. Performance management can help people find specific courses on or off the job or by e-learning which will satisfy their learning need. But performance management’s most essential role is the help it gives to the development of a climate for learning- a ‘growth culture’. This process helps people avoid obstacles that can arise when guiding them through work challenges. It ensures that the workers have the resources and time that they need to learn, also that management can advice and support them and give feedback that is vital for them to learn. (Foot, Cook (2008) comment on the fact that often organizations want to develop by improving performance. They want to meet their strategic objectives, or gain high-performance standards in the organization, and they wish to increase profits for shareholders, develop their market share or provide better services for their customers to avail of. (Foot, Cook (2008) explain that in order to achieve these ideals, they need to select, recruit, motivates, develop and retain the best people for the job. (Foot, Cook, p277(2008) highlight that ‘learning and development is one of the key aspects in performance management which can help them achieve these things and it is also a key factor in managing talent.’ Individuals in an organization have the drive to improve their performance in their job, or gain new skills perhaps to get a promotion or pay increase or even move on to a more challenging and fulfilling job. (Foot,Cook(2008) believes individuals can achieve these aims with help from learning and development . Learning and development can help organizations by attracting individuals and can engage their loyalty so the organization benefits by retaining new recruits, this in turns helps the organization to optimize its current and future objectives. (Foot,Cook (2008) emphasize the fact that learning and development has gain popularity over the past years, as organizations have realized that in order to stay competitive they need to develop and utilize the knowledge of their staff as much as possible, in order to do so they need to focus their activities from training to learning. (Foot,Cook) continues, by saying, people learn in different ways, some of these ways can be planned others, unplanned. In order for learning to occur organizations have to ensure that they create suitable environments, so that workers can clearly benefit from the learning and knowledge of their workforce. (Foot,Cook, p278 (2008) reveals that ‘the concept of individualized learning implies that this occurs in all sorts of situations, not just in the more traditional, formal training opportunities.’ Learning and development include mentoring, coaching, job swapping and work shadowing which are less formal and are more learner centered approaches to learning. (Wilton, p183 (2013) comments how ‘in human resource development, it is important to highlight the role of learning and development in performance management and in fostering a culture of continuous improvement.’ In a firm, (Wilton(2013) explains that employee development is considered a key mechanism through which organizational performance can be improved. Learning and development provides substantial linkages within the cycle, forming part of both the evaluation or review phrase and the planning phase. (Wilton (2013) emphasizes the fact that learning and development plays a vital role in relation to remedial action to resolve performance problems. Effectiveness of linking performance to financial reward In many organizations the HR function and the business will attempt to align individual performance to a bell curve of anticipated or actual required performance ratings. This approach is often positioned as being necessary to reward the highest individual performers appropriately, or to justify how the actual business and individual employee performance compares to other high performing organizations (or both). However, when attempting to manage performance distribution across the organization the HR function is often faced with some pretty difficult questions and issues, such as, How can we have so many high performance ratings when we arent achieving our organizational performance goals? Why are we paying our best performers pretty much the same as our worst performers? Are we rewarding the right people? What is actually happening in many organizations is that they believe they are paying for one thing (performance) when in actual fact they are paying for something else. For example, reward for promotion often exceeds annual pay increases for performance within any given level, no matter how much the employee has contributed. Therefore, employees have a much greater incentive to try to get promoted than to stay put and do an outstanding job. This issue can be exacerbated by the use of broad band’s (grades) and salary ranges; all too often, organizations implement a new approach to pay without considering how to communicate to their employees the principles of progression within a salary range. If we take another example, you may work in an organization which is results-oriented, and management is only interested in financial measures such as profit or revenue. Financial rewards are probably used as the major motivator for staff, as we have seen within the financial services sector. However, this approach may not be the right one for employees who are not motivated by financial reward and are perhaps already highly committed to the goals of the organization. In this situation, non-monetary rewards may be the way to go. For smaller organizations where promotion opportunities are limited, the opportunities for employees to reap financial rewards for moving up and for performing well are also limited. Linking performance and reward effectively relies on a good understanding of your organizational context, and the mix of employee motivating factors.   Bibliography Armstrong, Michael.(2009) Armstrong’s Handbook of Performance Management. Clifford, Jackie, Thorpe, Sara. (2007) Advantage for your organisation. Dam, Van Nick, Marcus, Jos, Medhurst Keith.(2007) An International Approach to Organisation and Management. Finch, Erik(2010). A talent development approach that integrates learning and performance management is needed to retain staff. Retrieved on the 20th of March 2014. Margaret, Foot. Cook, Caroline. (2008) Introducing Human Resource Management. McCaffery, Peter (2004) The higher Education Manager’s Handbook; Effective leadership and Management. Wilton, Nick (2013) An Introduction to Human Resource Management.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Nuclear Energy Essay -- Renewable Energy

Nuclear Energy Energy consumption has become a necessity and an important part of our daily life in the past 10 years. It seems that the world is looking for an energy source that is cleaner, cheaper and more efficient and since nuclear energy has emerged it has become the forerunner for alternative energy sources. ‘As of 2004, nuclear power provided 6.5% of the world's energy and 15.7% of the world's electricity, with the U.S., France, and Japan together accounting for 57% of nuclear generated electricity’ (‘Nuclear energy facts’ 2007). Nuclear energy can be a doubled edged sword as it can be used for peaceful uses or used to manufacture weapons of mass destruction which can put the world in danger. As more countries begin to use nuclear energy, especially in the Middle East, fears of the countries in the west increases as they cannot be sure if their intentions are for peaceful uses or military uses. Many people argue that the main problem with nuclear power plants is the radioactive waste it leaves behind which have no use. ‘A typical nuclear power plant in a year generates 20 metric tons of used nuclear fuel. The nuclear industry generates a total of about 2,300 metric tons of used fuel per year’ (‘Nuclear Waste: Amounts and On-Site Storage’). There are mainly two types of radioactive wastes, low-level waste and high level waste. Low level wastes are ordinary items that come in contact with some radiation and are generated anywhere radioisotopes are used or produced such as a hospital. High level waste is the actual spent fuel, or the residual waste from reprocessing spent fuel. It takes ten of thousands of year for this for this waste to decay and be harmless to the environment, so it needs professional han... the wrong hands it may lead to wars and disasters. If it is used properly, it can be an efficient source of energy in the future, treat and diagnose diseases and most important of all prevent wars. Works Cited ntsandonsitestorage/

Essay --

Generic Strategy of Thermofisher Scientific R&D: Ever since they put the hold onto their industry they also believed to the fact that R&D is one such thing which can bring them apart from other competitors so they largely invested in it since the inception. In 2011, they spent approximately $340 million on R&D which helped them launching the Q Exactiveâ„ ¢ system, latest innovation in hybrid mass spectrometry. In 2010, they increased their total R&D investment by more than $40 million strengthened their leadership position in innovation. M&A: In 2012, they also invested $1.1 billion on complementary acquisitions that expanded their offering for their customers and strengthened their strategic position. In 2010, They invested then $600 million to complete 11 acquisitions that extrapolated their existing capabilities in promising technologies and markets such as New Zealand. With the acquisition of that region’s premier provider of laboratory chemicals and consumables, Lomb Scientific they capped off the year by announcing their acquisition of Dionex Corporation for $2.1 billion, which created an industry-leading chromatography offering for their customers. Geographical expansion: They expanded to different geographies like India, China etc which helped in pruning their cost structure and bring out competitive products in the market. Growth Strategy in Year 2004 In 2004, they made couple of investments which lowered the costs & gave them the opportunity to expand globally. They opened a facility for HyClone cell-culture products in Beijing and Kuala Lumpur. They also completed plant expansion in both Switzerland and Penssylvania responding to the growth in clinical tests. They also expanded their England facility owing to the rising ... ...quality control analysis in applied markets, such as environmental, chemical and food safety. Other was iCAP Q mass spectometry system which was a reliable, easy-to-use workhorse for customers performing routine analysis or complex clinical research. They also strengthened their leading offering of portable instruments by the launch of the TruNarc analyzer, which put spectroscopy in the hands of law enforcement for the identification of narcotics. In biosciences, they introduced the PikoReal PCR system. In immunodiagnostics, they expanded their leading offering of tests for the diagnosis and monitoring of allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases. They also invested $1.1 billion on complementary acquisitions that expanded their offering for their customers and strengthened their strategic position. The largest was One Lambda, which they completed in September 2012.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Michael Crichtons The Lost World Essay -- Michael Crichton Lost World

Michael Crichton's The Lost World I read Michael Crichton's The Lost World. In the following paragraphs, I will not only explain the book, but also give my critique of it. I will also give a paragraph that was probably the best paragraph in the book, in my opinion. The book starts out with Ian Malcolm, a mathematician who had already had an experience with live dinosaurs a couple of years ago on another island. He has pretty much blocked that experience from his mind. Anyway, it also talks about a man named Doctor Levine. This man talks at a lecture that Malcolm is watching about the theory of there being a lost world, an island, undiscovered, that has extinct animals on it, particularly dinosaurs. Malcolm dismisses this idea saying that is the dumbest thing he ever heard. After the lecture, Levine talks to Malcolm to help him in finding this "Lost World." Malcolm again dismisses him. After a couple weeks of Levine nagging him, he sort of gets more into the idea, and starts to believe it. Levine Narrows it down to one island, Isla Sorna, and just leaves without telling anyone. Two of Levine's students, Kelly and Arby, get worried when he wasn't there to teach their class, because they were supposed to go on a field trip with him that day. They go to a guy named Doctor Thorne, a guy that was making specialized equipment for their trip. He said that he didn't know what was going on. They contact Malcolm and they go to Levine's apartment. They go to his computer room and see all this stuff on the wall about site B. They go onto the computer and Arby gets all this stuff about site B on it. Malcolm then finds out that the island that Levine went to was Isla Sorna. They plan this whole trip to go there, just Malcolm, Thorne, and Thorne's assistant, Eddie. They also call a woman named Sarah Harding, a scientist in Africa, to come with them. She had to take a flight in a while, she was too far to just go with them. They told the kids that they couldn't go. They leave for a helicopter with a specialized explorer, and two trailers, with a lot of equipment. On the way there, Thorne gets a call from Arby saying good luck. They get to the island and search for Levine, with this device they have, the find him and go back to the trailer. Before the go back, you find out that that Kelly and Arby hid in a compartment in the trailer. The... ...ey take the boat off the island, and go home. I think the only weakness of the book is that it is too much like the first book, Jurassic Park. â„ ¢ The characters have similar strengths and weaknesses, two kids, etc. I also thing that there are numerous strengths to the book. It was very compelling, and some nights I'd be up until stupid hours in the morning reading it because I couldn't put it down. It was a thrilling book. It kept you wanting more. A particular passage which impressed me was PP 422 & 423, Chapter Exit, the whole chapter. I particularly liked this chapter because it sort of turned the table on humans. We always think we are superior to every other animal in the world, always taking them for granted, killing them and eating them. The T-Rex brings Dodgson back to the nest for the babies to eat, sort of like when a bird brings a worm home for its babies, only we're the worms. In conclusion, I really liked this book, it is my favorite book now. I would definitely recommend it to anyone. No matter what they are interested in. I didn't read Jurassic Park, â„ ¢ but I am definitely going to, and I can't wait to see the Lost World â„ ¢ on the big screen.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Collection of Intelligence Information in the Current World

â€Å"So much information is now available on the Internet (even if some of it is inaccurate) that intelligence collection in the traditional sense is now no longer necessary†. Do you agree? What kinds of information might or might not be available? As a decision-maker would you agree to give up intelligence sources? Introduction Governments â€Å"run â€Å" on information. They need to be constantly aware of what is occurring around them, and how this could affect their interests, in order to take the right decisions at the right time.However not all the information they need is publicly available, which is why intelligence agencies were created with the objective of collecting, analysing and using confidential information, obtained secretly, to advise decision-makers. The collection process takes place after certain tasks have been assigned by the decision-makers, and consists of acquiring the necessary information which will then be treated at a later stage of the intelli gence cycle.Traditionally, the collecting process of such agencies comes from either human intelligence, meaning information directly transmitted from a trustworthy person to an intelligence officer, or technical intelligence, which uses technology and machines to obtain this information. Today, however, the collection process of all information-seeking organizations has been transformed with the Internet. It is the largest, fastest-expanding source of information worldwide, where anybody on any point of the globe can post or have access to information.The impact of the Internet on Intelligence agencies is undoubtable, and it has become a major component of open-source intelligence (OSINT, the process of acquiring information from public sources to be treated and put in use for intelligence purposes). It provides information which is cheaper, more accessible, more timely and easier to disseminate in a shorter time. This has lead some people to believe that: â€Å"So much informatio n is now available on the Internet (even if some of it is inaccurate) that intelligence collection in the traditional sense is now no onger necessary†. Has the Internet revolutionized the information collection process to the point of making the traditional methods obsolete? In this paper, I will defend the view that it has not, thus disagreeing with the statement above[1]. I will discuss that information available on the Internet is no replacement to information collected in the traditional sense, both theoretically (I) and in practice (II), even though it is a useful instrument which can also be used to guide decision-makers (III).I) The theoretical distinction between information available on the Internet and traditional intelligence collection In 2005, General Michael Hayden, from the US Open Source Centre, stated that â€Å"just because information is stolen, it does not make it better†[2]. This is true, however, what if the information was â€Å"stolen† bec ause it was not available anywhere else? One must not confuse the terms information and intelligence. Information is made up of the facts agencies seek; intelligence is the process of acquiring and making use of confidential information which responds to the government's interests.Of course, if this information was available on the Internet, no rational organization would prefer to spend more money, more resources and a greater effort on high-risk operations, which is what information collection implies in the intelligence domain. The problem is that the information intelligence agencies seek is voluntarily hidden by the entity that controls it, which is why it is confidential, and for obvious reasons not posted on the Internet. Moreover, the more people that have a piece of information, the harder it is to have control over it, which incites organizations detaining information to keep it to themselves.By definition, intelligence information is therefore unavailable elsewhere. Conse quently, the information on the Internet has a different content to information coming from intelligence, hence it cannot replace it. Furthermore, the definition of intelligence does not only regard the content of the information, it also concerns how the information is collected. According to David Chuter’s definition, intelligence means that the entity from which information is obtained does not want you to have it, and does not realize you have acquired it.On the contrary, the person posting information on the Internet wants you to have access to it and is aware anybody could acquire it. [3] Therefore, in both aspects of the definition of intelligence, there is a clear distinction between information coming from intelligence and from the Internet, and because of their difference in nature, one cannot replace the other. However, in practice, this theoretical distinction is blurred due to the fact that anybody can post on the Internet, including holders of confidential infor mation.They could, for example, want to harm the person or organization they work for by making such information public through the Internet. II) In practice, the Internet is no replacement to traditional information collection The Commandant of the Marine Corps in 1988, General Alfred Gray Jr. , said that â€Å"most of the intelligence which needs to be known could be obtained via open-source information†[4], which the Internet is a major source of. Undoubtedly, with the huge amount of information available on the Internet, this must be true.There are examples of confidential information been publicly made available through the internet, such as the major Wikileaks information release on confidential subjects- the war in Afghanistan and in Iraq, amongst others. We could then ask ourselves: what if confidential information has been canalized through the Internet and we no longer need intelligence to retrieve it? The information intelligence agencies search for must be importa nt and useful, or it would be irrelevant to the governments that need it. This means it must go through numerous filters and a high discrimination process.The Internet, while it may provide useful facts, has such an enormous amount of information that it impedes this selection process from being efficient. John McLaughlin, a former deputy CIA director, says â€Å"In the Cold War, we struggled to get data. Today, the problem is that there is too much data–more than we can handle. â€Å"[5] This can result in an information overload, meaning huge amounts of time and effort to be used to scan the information and select which is actually important. The difficulties in collecting information from the Internet go further than the quantitative issue.Because the information available on the Internet is what the person publishing it wants others to see, it can be dangerous because depending on this person's interests the information could be contradictory, misleading or even false, hampering the whole intelligence cycle. To avoid this, and as with any information collection, the source must be considered trustworthy, and this is always a difficult matter. On the Internet it is even more so: information is often anonymous, and meta-data (such as the circumstances surrounding the piece of information or the motivations of the person providing it) is extremely limited.Just like Jorge Luis Borges illustrates in his short story The Library of Babel, if one cannot tell what is true from what is false, the information is useless. Consequently, further sources are needed to prove the truthfulness of information and avoid being mislead. This means returning to traditional intelligence collection methods, in which case the Internet cannot be considered a source of information in itself. It can be seen, however, as inspiration for a further investigation.Moreover, the immensity of information available on the Internet incites certain types of behaviour in the information collectors, linked to their subjectiveness, that are also counter-productive for information collection. Political pressure is a potential source of error because it encourages agents to search in a certain direction, which the Internet, with its near-infinite information, is sure to justify. Firstly, it must be noted that not all information an agency looks for is necessarily available, however, the large amounts of information available on the Internet encourage people to believe such information exists.Secondly, misleading sources can exaggerate and create non-existent threats, which is sometimes what intelligence agencies are looking for in order to justify their utility. Thirdly, it is part of human behaviour to struggle to admit you are wrong, especially after investing effort in trying to prove the opposite. Once again, of all the information available on the Internet, that which proves you are in the right direction is likely to be picked, and the rest avoided, encouraging wish-fulfilment behaviour and confirmation bias.With these practical issues concerning information collected from the Internet, it can therefore be considered dangerous for it to be considered a source of information in itself. Nevertheless, it should not altogether be denied a role in information collection. The usefulness of the Internet and its place in the decision-making process If not a trustworthy source by itself, the Internet certainly contributes to a better information collection. Firstly, it directly facilitates the collection of open-source information which is then used for intelligence purposes.Such is the case, for example, with radio or television broadcasts which are now available online. In this example, it means monitors no longer have to be near the broadcast source, nor is complex equipment needed (antennas†¦ ) to obtain these broadcasts. [6] The Internet has an incredible logistical advantage, providing cheaper sources in real time all around the globe. O pen-source information is useful in providing complementary information to the confidential one. It helps determine the context and the circumstances in which the information is transmitted; it serves to â€Å"fill in the gaps†.This is essential, seen as a piece of information taken out of context makes no sense or cannot be used efficiently. Intelligence failures often come from an inability to understand â€Å"the bigger picture† or the general context of a given situation. For example, during the Vietnam war, the strategic concept of the conflict was misunderstood: the US believed it was mainly a Soviet-Chinese supported conflict and ignored the major influence of Vietnamese communists and nationalists. Moreover, information coming from he Internet is in real-time, so it can help those who collect the information assimilate new situations which arise from social or economic change for instance, and to do so quickly. It is therefore important source of collateral inf ormation, which enhances traditional information collection and enables it to be understood and interpreted. From a decision-maker's point of view, most confidential information is not available on the Internet (despite some examples which today are still very limited), which signifies traditional intelligence sources of information can by no means be given up on.The Internet is however an essential tool which must be integrated in the collection process, and in the other stages of the intelligence cycle, in order for the information provided to be pertinent. It can also serve as inspiration for further investigation, as long as its potential dangers are understood, for it is easy for decision-makers, who are under political power, to get carried away by misleading available on the Internet. Conclusion In summary, on one hand, most of the information available on the Internet is not the one which interests intelligence services because they seek mainly confidential information.On th e other hand, some of the information on the Internet hampers information collection because it can be misleading, contradictory, or even false and can lead to counter-productive behaviour from the intelligence agents. Consequently, the information available is not always the one intelligence services are looking for. In addition, there is a theoretical distinction linked to the fact information coming from intelligence must be unavailable elsewhere, which means information from the Internet cannot replace traditional intelligence.This does not imply the Internet should be avoided by intelligence services, on the contrary, it can provide essential information in complement to that obtained by intelligence services. It simply means the dangers of the Internet should be kept in the mind of decision-makers who must find the balance between these two sources of information. ———————– [1] Only the collection stage of the intelligence cycle will be discussed concerning the impact of the Internet, as this is what the statement points to. [2]http://www. usnews. om/news/national/articles/2008/09/12/spy-agencies-turn-to-newspapers-npr-and-wikipedia-for-information. [3]According to this definition, open-source intelligence is not a actually a source of intelligence, the concept open-source information in use for intelligence purposes is therefore more appropriate. [4]†Global Intelligence Challenges in the 1990's†, American Intelligence Journal (Winter 1989–1990) [5] http://www. usnews. com/usnews/news/articles/061103/3dni. analysts. htm [6]https://www. cia. gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/vol48no3/article05. html

Friday, August 16, 2019

Demographics and Culture of Brazil Essay

Brazil is currently enjoying the number 5 spot as far as big populations in the world are concerned with 190,010,647 people recorded as of August 16, 2007 (C.I.A., 2007, par. 7). Documents show that the population has grown steadily in the years with only 85,240,000 Brazilians in 1967 to 141,452,000 in 1987 (Lahmeyer, 2003, p. 1). This clearly illustrates that in just forty years, the population of Brazil has already doubled its number of natives.   With a land area of 8,456,510 square kilometers, Brazil has around 58.2 people per square mile. It was estimated by the Population Reference Bureau that 81% of the population lived in urban areas in 2001, up from 66% in 1980 (Brazil Population, 2007, par. 2). The following are more details on the current population of Brazil: Population growth rate:  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1.008% (2007 est.) Birth rate:  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   16.3 births/1,000 population (2007 est.) Death rate:  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   6.19 deaths/1,000 population (2007 est.) Sex ratio:  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   at birth: 1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   .05 male(s)/female under 15 years:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1.04 male(s)/female 15-64 years:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   0.983 male(s)/female 65 years and over:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   0.697 male(s)/female total population:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   0.976 male(s)/female (2007 est.) Age structure:  Ã‚   0-14 years:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   25.3% (male 24,554,254/female 23,613,027) 15-64 years:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   68.4% (male 64,437,140/female 65,523,447) 65 years and over:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   6.3% (male 4,880,562/female 7,002,217) (2007 est.) Median age:  Ã‚   total:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   28.6 years male:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   27.9 years female:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   29.4 years (2007 est.) *Source: C.I.A. The World Fact Book 2007 Brazil’s culture is very much influenced by their Portuguese invaders who have ruled the lands for three centuries.   It was only in 1822 when Brazil finally became a nation. Although Brazil is a democratic country, education, health, safety (physical and juridical) are deficient in Brazil (Brazil Travel, n.d., par. 1). Brazil is the leading economic power and regional leader in South America yet uneven distribution of income is a pressing problem (C.I.A.).   Its economic strength is dependent on its mining, agricultural and manufacturing industries. One of Brazil’s cultural attractions is the Carnaval or Mar de Gras which is annually celebrated at Rio de Janeiro.   The origins of this celebration dates back to the ancient Greek festival in honor of Dionysus which the Romans soon adopted for the Roman God Bacchus as the feast of Saturnalia (World Music Productions, 2007, par. 1).   Back then they celebrated it by making slaves and their masters exchange clothes while drinking wine for the whole day. Saturnalia was converted by Roman Catholics into a festival leading up to Ash Wednesday or before the 40 days of sacrifices prior to Easter.   It became known as Carne Vale which literally means farewell to the flesh and is a fiesta filled with every known sin the Brazilians could think of.   Carnaval, as spelled in Portuguese, is a 4-day celebration. It starts on Saturday, and ends on Fat Tuesday, or Mardi-Gras. (All About Rio, 2007, par. 1). One of the major issues that had put a spotlight on Brazil in the recent years is regarding its environment.   The very rich Amazon forest is the habitat of many endangered species and it plays a major role in the weather cycle of the world.   If it continues to be cut down, global warming will greatly be affected because the Amazon Forest is one of the world’s best source of rain.   Other problems include illegal wildlife trade, air and water pollution in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and other cities, improper mining activities, wetland degradation and severe oil spills (C.I.A., par. 7). References All About Rio. (2007). Retrieved August 31, 2007 from carnival/ Brazil Population. (2007). Brazil Population. Retrieved August 31, 2007 from http://www. C.I.A. (2007). The World Fact Book. Retrieved August 31, 2007 from library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/br.html#Intro Lahmeyer, J. (2003). Brazil. Retrieved August 31, 2007 from Americas/brazilc.htm World Music Productions. (2007). History of Carnival in Brazil. Retrieved August 31, 2007   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   from

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Word List

Any activity becomes creative when doer cares about doing it right or better – John Updike Sunshine City (s/sh sound) Use Suffix – â€Å"able† AcceptableAvoidableBreakableCountable ComparableImaginableEatableTolerable WashableUnderstandableReadable In last class, we studied about Subject and Predicate, here is a small class work to separate Subject and Predicate from following sentences: 1. We like playing cricket. 2. I perform on the stage every day. 3. Burgers and French Fries are available at this shop. 4. The Earth revolves round the sun. 5. The singing of the birds delighted children. . All roads lead to Mumbai. 7. Borrowed Garments never fit well. 8. No one knows who murdered the girl. 9. Sit down. 10. I shot an arrow into the air. Words are divided into different kinds or classes called parts of speech. In a sentence every word has a job. Some words connect, some describe while some provide action. There are 8 parts of Speech: 1. Noun – a noun is a name of a person, place, emotions or thing, like: Akbar is a great king. The rose smells sweet 2. Adjective – is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun, like: Good boys Ten girls Dirty clothes 3. Pronoun – is a word used instead of a noun, like Ram shouts —– He shouts. They, them, us, he, she, it etc. come under this class. 4. Verb – provides action: they tell what is happening, like: I fly my kite. Calcutta is a big city. Ram bought the ball. 5. Adverb – is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb, like: Jack solved the sum quickly. This flower is very beautiful. 6. Prepositions – connects nouns and pronouns too the rest of the sentence, like: A little girl sat under a tree. They are playing in the garden. Others: at, by, for, from, in, of, on, to and with etc. 7. Conjunctions – are different kinds of connectors. They hook together individual words, like: Jack and jerry are cousins. I ran fast, but missed the train. U want chocolates or toffees? 8. Interjections – are exclamations. When you put strong feelings into a word, it is interjection, like: Wow! , Oops! , Ouch! , Cool! , Yikes! etc. ———————– TONGUE TWISTER OF THE DAY DAILY WORD POWER CLASS WORK – SUBJECT / PREDICATE PARTS OF SPEECH THOUGHT OF THE DAY

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Knucklehead competitors

You may encounter business situations that require using an interpreter (for spoken communication) or a translator (for written communication). Interpreters and translators can be expensive, but skilled professionals provide Invaluable assistance for communicating in other cultural contexts. 60 Keeping up with current language usage in a given country or culture is also critical in order to avoid embarrassing blunders.For example, the marketing agency Landlord Associates usually engages three native-language speakers to review translated materials to make sure the ensue of the message is compatible with current usage and slang in a given country. 61 Some companies use back-translation to ensure accuracy. Once a translator encodes a message Into another language, a dif rent translator retranslate the same message into the original language.The is back-translation is then compared with the original message to discover any errors or discrepancies. The e time and cost required for profes sional translation has encouraged the development of machine translation , any form of computerized intelligence used to translate one language to another. Dedicated soft ware tools and online services such as Worldly ( www. Worldly. Com ) off ere various forms of automated translation. Major search engines let you request translated versions of the websites you FL ND.Although none of these tools can translate as well as human translators, they can be quite useful with individual words and short phrases, and they can oft en give you the overall gist of a message. Everyone can contribute to successful intercultural communication. Whether a younger person Is unaccustomed to the formalities of a large corporation or a league from another country Is working on a team with you, look for opportunities to help people if t in and adapt their communication style.For example, if a nonnative English speaker is making mistakes that could hurt his or her credibility, you can off ere advice on th e appropriate words and phrases to use. Most language learners truly appreciate this sort of assistance, as long as it is off red in a respectful manner. Moreover, chances are that while you're helping, you'll learn something about the other person's culture and language, too. You can also take steps to simplify the immunization process.For instance, oral communication in a second language is usually more differ cult than written forms of communication, so instead of asking a foreign colleague to provide information in a conference call, you could ask for a written response instead of or in addition to the live conversation. For a brief summary of ideas to Improve intercultural communication in the workplace, see â€Å"Checklist: Improving Intercultural Communication Skills. † For additional Information on communicating Intercultural Communication: Speaking with Multiple-Language Audiences; Media Skills: Podiatrist [LO-5] , Chapter 7 Your company was one of the FL rest to use podiatrist as a business communication tool. Executives frequently and post them on the company's intranet site; employees from the 14 off cues in Europe, Asia, and North America then download the FL less to their music players or other devices and listen to the messages while riding the train to work, eating lunch at their desks, and so on. Your boss asks you to draft the opening statement for a potash that will announce a revenue drop caused by intensive competitive pressure.She reviews your script and hands it back with a gentle explanation that it needs to be revised for international listeners. Improve the following statement in as many ways as you can: Howdy, comrades. Shouldn't surprise anyone that we took a beating this year, given the insane pricing moves our have been making. I mean, how those clowns can keep turning a proof t is beyond me, what with steel costs still going through the roof and labor costs heating up-?even in countries where everybody goes to FL ND cheap labor-?and hazardous waste disposal ergs adding to operating costs, too.

Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assignment 2 - Essay Example However, the study results from Wald Testing methodology and actual juvenile court records indicated there was not a considerable difference between neglectful parenting and authoritative parenting. This is identified in Table 2 in the study, however this was based on quantitative multi-variate testing and not only the self-report inventories returned by the chosen sample group of youths. The study conducted by Simons & Conger also predicted, based on previous literature, that authoritative parenting would breed better adjusted adolescents in relation to academics or the broader social environment. However, this article predicted that having two authoritative parents would be rare considering the dimensions of adult-based control needs that would negate both parents taking an authoritative role. The article identifies neglectful parenting styles versus authoritarian styles, with modifications for a variety of combinations of both styles. This study’s methodology differed and i nvolved questionnaires filled out by key sample participants and then a follow-up observational approach using videotape as documentation. Important dimensions of this sample’s self-reporting dealt with perceptions of hostility in the home, monitoring and parenting style.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Hypothesis Testing & Variance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hypothesis Testing & Variance - Research Paper Example T test was conducted to determine if there is a difference in the intrinsic satisfaction of male and female employees. Table 1 shows that the p value is 0.40 which is greater than alpha. Therefore, there is no sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that female employees have a higher intrinsic job satisfaction than male employees. Specifically, there is no significant difference in the intrinsic job satisfaction of males (Mean=5.14, Variance=0.61) and females (Mean=5.31, Variance=0.21), t = - 0.86, n. s. This information shows that males and females have the same intrinsic satisfaction. Therefore, managers may not need to favor one worker over the other based on their gender because internal motivation and satisfaction is just the same for both males and females. T test was conducted to determine if there is a difference in the extrinsic satisfaction of hourly and salaried employees. Table 2 shows that the p value is 0.61 which is greater than alpha. Therefore, there is no sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that salaried employees have a higher intrinsic job satisfaction than hourly employees. Specifically, there is no significant difference in the extrinsic job satisfaction of hourly (Mean=5.38, Variance=0.18) and salaried employees (Mean=5.48, Variance=0.36), t = - 0.52, n. s. Results of this investigation show that an employee’s position does not affect his or her extrinsic job satisfaction. Thus, managers do not need to hire more salaried employees (which will cost the company a higher compensation package) than hourly employees since paid overtime does not seem to be a factor in their job satisfaction. The Z test and the T test both aim to find if there is a significant difference in the mean values of two samples. However, the Z test makes use of the population’s variance and this value is almost never known thus, most researches use

Monday, August 12, 2019

Does history teach us lessons Give examples Essay

Does history teach us lessons Give examples - Essay Example We are often told, that history teaches us lessons, and that terrorism is the notion, towards which these historical lessons and knowledge are to be applied. Simultaneously, there is a widely-spread opinion, that looking back at our past we see that there were the possibilities to prevent famous dictators from coming to the power and causing irreversible effects. The past cannot be changed, but it can and should be learned; however, what we face at present is false interpretation of the historical events and the desire of the historians to represent certain historical events in the light which is better for their personal needs and strivings. In fact, any historian plays the role of the intermediary between the past and the present - his main aim is to make the public familiar with the events of the past based on the evidence he has at his disposal; what we see now is that many historians have gone too far, trying to become the people, who have the right to interpret this past, often distorting it. I would agree, that history gives us lessons to learn, but due to the general lack of understanding of the historical events, we often have to rely on what famous historians say; their opinions often appear to be contradictory and misleading. As far as we don't really tend to go deep into history for finding our own proofs for this or that historical assumption, we mostly believe in what we hear about the lessons from history, and how they should be used. 'Because history is a world of detailed, specific events, the idea of 'general laws' of history is self-contradictory. Of course, historical actors should be understood as obeying the general laws independently derived by other disciplines, such as the law of gravity or the law of diminishing marginal returns. But history itself can generate no such laws, since they would involve abstracting away all of the details of events, in other words, abstracting away the very subject matter of history.' (Durant & Durant 1997, p. 49) What I wanted to say by this quotation is that history in general cannot be reduced to some generalizations, as it is often done. If there are any real lessons we have to learn from the past, these lessons should be tied to specific events, and not to some general assertions. We can't say that wars are the most important lessons to learn not to make new wars happen - each war is different in its essence, and each should be considered separately, in order to learn the lessons and to apply them to the requirements of the modern time. There is often a confusion between the historical past and the practical past - historical past is merely a statement of the events which took place in the past, while practical past refers to the question of 'what do these past events mean to me right now' (Fink 2001, p. 236) This is about what we talk here, and about what we have to make a reasonable conclusion. I would agree that the skills of the professional historian would give him enough knowledge to judge the events of the past, but I can

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Based on public health role in flu epidemic, identify one ethical Research Paper

Based on public health role in flu epidemic, identify one ethical consideration and one cultural consideration for a public health response. What is the nurse's role in address each of these - Research Paper Example Moreover, the paper will demonstrate the role of a nurse in each of the considerations. Being prepared for flu epidemic is crucial since it ensures that the public health system can mitigate the effects of the pandemic. However, certain ethical and cultural considerations must be deliberated on while deciding the appropriate measures. Nurses play an important role in the response to flu pandemic. Understanding the ethical and cultural considerations as well as the role of nurse is thus important (Debruin, 2012). One ethical consideration involved is the moral commitment to justice and alleviating any barriers that could hinder the some people from accessing healthcare. Ethical guidance to public health response to pandemic should be concerned with the justice. Justice is important while dealing with pandemics and it entails disbursement of common advantages as well as equal sharing of burdens. However, justice should be accompanied by reasonableness in that the caregivers should prioritize the needs of the affected population based on their level of vulnerability. Therefore, the public health system should make a pledge to serve all the affected persons with first priority being given to most affect without ignoring those likely to be affected by the epidemic. In a flu pandemic, nurses have a role of enhancing justice by ensuring that they focus on the needs of the most disadvantaged and give equal priority to all irrespective of their ethical background (Debruin, 2012). During pandemics, the public health personnel have to make decisions, which may conflict individual interest with the community interests. However, the response must take into account cultural considerations to ensure that even the minority groups access adequate care. One cultural consideration is the cultural diversity of a nation (Institute of Medicine, et al., 2008). It is important for the caregivers to